Oregon State University

Oregon State University Seed Services

OSU Extension Service
E-Mail Address:
For OSCS Use:
Seed Services Client? Get an account here
Certification Tag to Verify? Click here

New OSCS Online Services Web Account Registration (v1.00)

Please use this form to register for a new OSCS Online Services web account. The OSCS Online Services web accounts are available to the Oregon Seed Certification Services and Oregon State University Seed Laboratory clients only. Once the submitted information is reviewed and approved, you will be notified via US mail when your account has been created and ready to be used. Please be sure to provide a valid email address for your login so that we can communicate with you. Thank you for using Oregon State University Seed Services Online Service.

Login Email Address:
Re-enter Email Address:
ZIP Code:
Phone Number:
Current OSU Seed
Services Client?:
If Not Current Client,
Explain Purpose of Registering:
Login Info
Delivery Method:
Entry Verification:

Our online services are provided by OSCS to its active clientele in expectation that it will expedite the certification process in the state of Oregon. OSCS reserves the right to alter, expand, scale back or terminate the services at any time. If your request is approved, a Personal Identification Number (PIN) will be assigned to your client account record to provide access to OSCS Online Services through our eCertification portal. Please make sure that the confidentiality of this information is preserved at all times, and notify us immediately in writing to seedcertrequests@oregonstate.edu, if someone other than you or a representative of your company uses the PIN to access your account. A new PIN will be assigned to maintain security protocols. Per our security protocols, we will not send the PIN through email. The information available through this online portal is for authorized use only. If approved, you will be granted permission to access the information that is pertinent to your company's certification records and other publicly available documents. This data is protected by the appropriate State and Federal laws, particularly by the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Any unauthorized use of the system will result in immediate termination of your account and possible criminal prosecution. By clicking the 'Submit' button below, I agree to the above terms of conditions.
Online Services    Seed Certification    Seed Laboratory    Certification History