Oregon State University

Oregon State University Seed Services

OSU Extension Service

Verify Certification Tag (v1.00)

Please use this form to verify the authenticity of Certification tags issued by Oregon Seed Certification Service. You must verify at least two different tags from the same lot to raise the confidence level of the verification process.

  • Here is a brief description of the data that are required:

    • Variety Name: the name of the variety - usually printed on the first line of the tag. For Mixture tags, enter "MIXTURE".
    • Lot Number: an alphanumeric string of characters that identifies the lot.
    • Tag ID: either a 10 or 15 digit number printed on the last line.
    • Serial Number: a number printed to the right of the Tag ID on the lower right corner of the tag. Do not enter leading 0's.
    • Digital Signature: an alphanumeric string of characters that's exactly 15 characters long printed either above or on the left side of the Tag ID.
    • Print Type: choose Original unless instructed otherwise by the OSCS office.


Variety Name:
Lot Number:
Tag ID:
Serial Number:
Print Type:
Entry Verification:
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